Tips for Dental Implant Success

Middle aged woman with red hair smilingOur Dr. Lili” Liliana Aranguren offers “Five Tips for Dental Implant Success” in Best of Healthy Life.

At South Florida Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry, we’re always excited to share our knowledge, enthusiasm and advice in this field. We’re always thrilled to introduce new patients to the innovative world of implant dentistry which offers today’s most successful means of replacing failing, damaged and/or missing teeth. Patients restore smiles, enhance health and gain renewed confidence.

Some key takeaways from this informative, recently published article include:

  • Do your research to make sure you’re in experienced hands for long-term success. Check out online reviews to see what patients have to say about the practice and procedures.
  • Skip “vacation dentistry” outside of this country. For the most part, those bargain prices are almost always too good to be true. Remember, you are replacing your body parts and want the replacement to last a lifetime. This isn’t the right circumstance to look for a bargain, or base decisions on pricing!
  • Ask questions about the materials they’ll use. You want the best “parts,” ones that have been manufactured to the highest standards, using the best materials, with the tightest quality control and strategically selected for your exact jawbone configuration.
  • Don’t smoke! Is there anything GOOD we can say about smoking? No! When it comes to dental implants, any kind of tobacco use can slow down the natural healing process called osseointegration which is how your jawbone naturally (in a healthy environment) fuses with the titanium dental implant posts to create strong replacement “roots” which support your replacement teeth. Implants usually initially heal if you smoke, but are at much higher risk for future complications including infections and eventual loss in smokers.

Long-Term Success

When your dental implant surgery is handled by specialists like Drs. Aranguren, Ganeles, Norkin, De Souza and Zfaz, and you practice good oral hygiene habits, your dental implant-supported restorations will lead to a greatly enhanced quality of life in so many ways.

Besides preventing jawbone atrophy associated with tooth loss, you’ll be able to eat the foods you love again, speak properly without risk of embarrassment and smile with pride, to name just a few huge benefits.

If you’re one of so many individuals who are struggling with failing or missing teeth and want to begin the life-changing process of changing your smile, contact us today to see what we can do for you to enhance your smile, your oral health and, perhaps, your overall health.

Referrals from other dental or medical professionals are always welcomed but are not needed. Call today!