Is anybody home here? Absolutely! It may look like an empty waiting room, but that’s only thanks to incredibly efficient scheduling by our wonderful team to address all of your safety concerns and, as such, avoid crowds.
Indeed, it’s business as usual here at the South Florida Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry, but with a slew of new safety precautions implemented, ones that far exceed CDC recommendations.
As Dr. Frederic J. Norkin notes in a recent article in The Boca Raton Observer:
“Our tiered approach to safety has many engineering and process improvements that include air scrubbers that capture airborne pathogens and special rinses that reduce viral activity, full PPE, schedule modifications and screening processes. They allow us to see patients who need treatment for gum disease, tooth replacement with dental implants or dental hygiene procedures without compromising results or safety.”
More recent infection control additions include a hand-washing station and signage to remind our patients to please distance from others. Addressing your comfort and safety is our top priority!